This article was written by fellow lamp engineer and collector Edward J. Covington, and originally appeared on his own website of biographical sketches of persons involved in the lamp industry. Following his passing in February 2017, and with kind permission of his family, Ed's words have been preserved here in the hope of maintaining access to his writings for the benefit of subsequent generations.

F.M.F. Cazin |
A little-known name in incandescent lamp history is that of F. M. F. Cazin. Cazin was granted a number of patents on incandescent lamps, some of which dealt with oxide coated filaments. In 1905 he self-published a book that consisted mainly of his articles that appeared in The Electrical Age in 1901. In his book, which dealt with the incandescent lamp, he questioned the contributions of different inventors relative to his own. In particular, some works of Edison and Nernst were questioned as it regarded priority.
Apparently a company was formed in Amsterdam, New York for the manufacture and marketing of Cazin incandescent lamps. The manufacture of the lamps was started but internal dissension within the company existed and operations were discontinued before any lamps were marketed.
A picture of a Cazin lamp, as scanned from his book, is shown below.

A Cazin Lamp |
Franz Cazin was born in Aachen, Germany in 1827 and emigrated to the United States in 1867. He was the eldest of ten children. In Germany Cazin apparently was a printer, bookseller and publisher. He sold his business in 1861 and built a bread factory, which failed in 1867. After Cazin came to the United States he changed his name from Franz Frederich Michael Cazin to Franz Michael Friederick Cazin. He became a mining engineer and went to Denver, Colorado in 1873, where he incorporated the Rocky Mountain Concentration Company. Apparently the Company process was described in the Engineering and Mining Journal in 1873. He also went to New Mexico where he discovered a deposit of titanium ore. In his later years he resided at 1108 Bloomfield Street, Hoboken, New Jersey. F. M. F. Cazin passed away in Upper Montclair, New Jersey on Nov 26, 1908.
The following information details the chapter titles in Cazin's book. Several chapters are simply revised reprints of the original articles. The title page of the Cazin book is also shown below.
The Twentieth Century Electric Light
The Cazin Lamps
Revised Reprint of the Series:
What Next in Electric Lamp Making ?
by F. M. F. Cazin
Origin and Nature of Light - Some Erroneous Conceptions Thereof, and the Result of Their Correct Conception (Nov 9 1901)
The Theory of the Origin of Light as Practically Applied - Concentration of Heat Incidentally Considered (Nov 30 1901)
The Discovery of Electrical Conductivity in Heated Oxides - The Discoverer and His Plagiarist - Rare Metal Oxides (Aug 3 1901)
The Difference in Practical Usefulness Between Common and Rare Earths as Light-Makers - The Same False Pretender to the Invention of Using to Advantage Rare Earths in Electric Lamps
From Jablochkoff to Cazin - An Episode in Electric Light-Making (Aug 17 1901)
As Nernst Did Not, So Thomas Edison Did Not, Invent the Utilization of Rare-Metal Oxides in Electric Lamps
The Westinghouse Lamp, Falsely Called "The Nernst Lamp" (Sep 14 1901)
The Cazin Lamp (Sep 7 1901)
The Cazin Lamp - The Electrical Lamp of the Twentieth Century - Its Evolution and the Forces Opposing It (Dec 21 1901)

Title Page of Cazin's Book |
Patents Related to Incandescent Lamps
- 523,460 - Jul 24 1894 - Incandescent Electric Lamp
- 523,461 - Jul 24 1894 - Electric Incandescent Lamp
- 566,285 - Aug 18 1896 - Electric Incandescent Lamp
- 620,640 - Mar 7 1899 - Electric Incandescent Lamp
- 621,291 - Mar 14 1899 - Electric Incandescent Lamp
- 621,292 - Mar 14 1899 - Electric Incandescent Vacuum Lamp
- 640,366 - Jan 1 1900 - Electric Incandescent Lamp
- 760,849 - May 24 1904 - Electric Incandescing Lamp
- 770,222 - Sep 13 1904 - Manufacture of Electric Incandescent Lamps
- 770,223 - Sep 13 1904 - Incandescent -Lamp Bulb
- 772,215 - Oct 11 1904 - Manufacturing Glowers, Luminants, and Filaments for Electric Incandescent Lamps
- 786,727 - Apr 4 1905 - Apparatur for the Manufacture of Glowers for Electric Lamps
- 835,938 - Nov 13 1906 - Electric Incandescent Lamp
- 844,778 - Feb 19 1907 - Luminant in Electric Incandescent Lamps
- 874,938 - Dec 31 1907 - Machine & Apparatus for Manufacturing Filaments for Electric Incandescent Lamp
- 877,171 - Jan 21 1908 - Manufacturing Metallized Electric-Incandescent-Lamp Filaments
- 877,172 - Jan 21 1908 - Producing Filaments for Electric Incandescent Lamps and the Product Thereof
- 877,408 - Jan 21 1908 - Manufacture of Electric Incandescent Lamps
- 879,083 - Feb 11 1908 - Electric-Incandescent-Lamp Luminant and Manufacturing It
- 879,084 - Feb 11 1908 - Manufacture of Filaments in Electric Incandescent Lamps, Process and Product
- 879,085 - Feb 11 1908 - Filament in Electric Incandescent Lamps and Its Manufacture
References & Bibliography
- "Incandescent Lamp Bulb", Electrical World and Engineer, Vol.XLIV, No.13, Sep 24 1904, p.534.
- "Cazin Metallic-Filament Incandescent-Lamp Patents", Electrical World and Engineer, Vol.LI, No.5, Feb 1 1908, p.220.
- "Cazin Metallic-Filament Lamps", Electrical World and Engineer, Vol.LI, No.9, Feb 29 1908, p.421.
- "Catalogue of Scientific Papers (1893-1899)", Compiled by the Royal Society of London, Scarecrow Reprint Corp., Metuchen, NJ, 1968.
"Resistance to Ship's Motion: A Natural Law Newly Discovered", Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol.135, 1893, pp.200-216, 299-310, 364-374.
"Shortening the Time for Correct Sounding", Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol.138, 1894, pp.70-77.
"Solids Falling in a Medium, I. Their Incipient and Maximal Velocities. A Study for Ore-Concentrators, II. A Critical Examination of the Theory and Method Applied by Rittinger, and the Resulting Formulas", Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. Trans., Vol.24, 1895, pp.80-100, 339-351.
"Old and New Methods Applied in Planning Pipe-Lines and Penstocks", Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol.146, 1898, pp.177-192, 280-293; Vol 147, 1899, pp.71-72.
- "General Alphabetical and Analytical Index of the Trans. of the Am. Institute of Mining Engineers, 1871-1904".
"Solids Falling in a Medium I", xxiv [xix], pg 80; II, xxiv [xxxvii], pg 339; remarks in discussion of Prof. Posepny's paper on the genesis of ore-deposits, xxiii, pg 604; xxiv, pg 995; on copper ores of New Mexico, xxiii, pg 316; of preparation of small sizes of anthracite, xx, pg 621.
Cazin bucket for water-wheels, xxix, pg 866, 867, 883, 887.
- The Cazin Brothers", author unknown (perhaps a librarian at the Hoboken Public Library wrote this paper), Nov 25, 1986, 8 pages. This write-up gives information mainly on the children of Franz Cazin. Much of the information was obtained from living family members in 1986.